User Management

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User Management

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Management of users with access to Peer Management Center's web interface can be performed through either the Peer Management Center's rich client, or through an admin account logged into the web interface.


To access the User Management configuration page, navigate to the Window menu, select Preferences, then select User Management from the tree on the left. The following will be displayed:




From this screen, you can add, edit, and remove internal user accounts, roles, and active directory users and groups.



Internal Users


Adding an internal account requires a username, a password, an email address, and a selected role. For more details on the available roles, see the How to Use section. Once an account has been created, it's username, password, email address and role can all be changed. The default admin user account password is password.





Roles define user permissions to access and edit resources in the Web Interface. There are three predefined roles with specific set of permissions: Power User, Admin Role, and Help Desk. To create a custom role or to edit a role click the User Management > Add or Edit button in the Roles section. To delete a role, select the role from the User Management > Roles section, then click Remove. Adding a custom role requires a name, display name, description and base role. Roles can also be assigned existing Tags to define the resources users with that role can view and edit. The following table outlines the Hub resources that each role can edit and view:



Active Directory Authentication


In addition to Internal Users, the Peer Management Center also provides Active Directory user and group authentication. To configure Active Directory Authentication, provide the URL of the LDAP server on the network in the format 'ldap://MYDOMAIN.LOCAL' or 'ldaps://MYDOMAIN.LOCAL'. Next, add an Active Directory user or group by clicking on the User Management > Active Directory Users / Active Directory Groups > Add button. The configuration dialog will require the Domain, Username or Group, and the Role. To delete an Active Directory User or Group, click the User Management > Active Directory Users / Active Directory Groups > Remove button.


Note: Active Directory users and groups are saved in the following format: 'Username@MYDOMAIN.LOCAL'. Use this format to log into the Peer Management Center's web interface:

