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File Collaboration Jobs are created using the Peer Management Center. When configuring your first job, we strongly recommend that you first configure the Global File Collaboration settings, as well as global settings like SMTP configuration, which is specific to the Peer Management Center. Details on what and how to configure these global options can be found in the Global Configuration section.


To create a new job, once global options are set, click the Create New button in toolbar of the Peer Management Center, or you can select the New menu item from the File menu. A list of all installed Peerlet types will be displayed. Selecting the File Collaboration option will prompt you for a unique name for the job, then open the File Collaboration Configuration dialog.


You can edit an existing job by selecting one or more jobs in the Job View, right-clicking, and selecting Edit Configuration(s). The Peer Management Center now has support for editing multiple jobs at once. Please see the section on Multi-Job Edit Support for more details.


Configuring a file collaboration session will require the following steps:


Global Configuration (important to configure before setting up your first job)

Step 1 - Host Participants & Folders Settings (the beginning process of creating an individual file collaboration job)

Step 2 - General Settings

Step 3 - File Filters Settings

Step 4 - File Conflict Resolver Settings

Step 5 - Delta Replication

Step 6 - File Metadata

Step 7 - File Locking

Step 8 - Logging and Alerts

Step 9 - Target Protection

Step 10 - Email Alerts

Step 11 - Tags

Step 12 - Save Settings