Step 5 - Delta Replication

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Step 5 - Delta Replication

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Delta-level Replication configuration is available by selecting Delta Replication from the tree node within the File Collaboration Configuration dialog.





Delta-level Replication is a byte replication technology that enables block/byte level synchronization for a file collaboration job. Through the use of this feature, Peer Management Center will be able to transmit only the bytes/blocks of a file that have changed instead of transferring the entire file. This results in much lower network bandwidth utilization which can be an enormous benefit if you are transferring files across a slow WAN or VPN, as well as across a high volume LAN.





Delta-level Replication is enabled on a per file collaboration job basis and generally affects all files in the Watch Set. You will only benefit from delta-level replication for files that  do not change much between file modifications, which includes most document editing programs.




Below is a list of configuration items and their descriptions:



Once all Delta-level Replication settings are set, you can either save the configuration and exit the dialog, or you can continue with the configuration process by going to Step 6 - File Metadata.