Linking an Existing Namespace Folder to an Existing File Collaboration or File Synchronization Job

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Linking an Existing Namespace Folder to an Existing File Collaboration or File Synchronization Job

You can link an existing DFS namespace folder with an existing File Collaboration or File Synchronization job. These steps require that the DFS namespace has been already created and is being managed by a DFS-N Management job.

To link a namespace folder with an existing File Collaboration or File Synchronization job:

1.Select the File Collaboration or File Synchronization job in the Jobs view.

DFS-Link NS with Job-1

2.Right-click and select Edit Job.

The Edit Job wizard appears.

DFS-Link NS with Job-2

3.Select DFS-N in the navigation tree on the left.

The DFS-N page is displayed.

DFS-Link NS with Job-3

4.In the DFS Namespace Folder area, select the namespace you want to link to from the first drop-down list.

DFS-Link NS with Job-4

Once you’ve selected a namespace, a list of available namespace folders appears in the Folder drop-down list.

5.Select the namespace folder from Folder.

DFS-Link NS with Job-5

Once you've selected a namespace and a folder, you need to link each participant to a folder target.

DFS-Link NS with Job-6

6.Click Auto Select Targets to have PeerGFS attempt to automatically map the participants with folder target.

After auto selection, the linked participants and folder targets are displayed in the Linked Participants and Folder Targets table.

DFS-Link NS with Job-7

Tip: In most cases, clicking the Auto Select Targets button, PeerGFS will be able to automatically link a folder target with the appropriate participant.  However, if a folder does not have the appropriate folder targets, click the Auto Create Targets button.  The wizard that appears will use the paths configured in your File Collaboration or File Synchronization job and try to automatically create folder targets for you.

DFS-Link NS with Job-8

7.Review the values in the Link Enabled column; if No appears , select Yes from the drop-down list.

8.Once all participants are linked to the appropriate folder targets, click OK to save your changes.

The runtime window appears. From this point forward, if this collaboration or synchronization job is running along with its paired DFS-N Management job, Peer Management Center will automatically failover and failback folder targets.