Modifying Participant Attributes

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Modifying Participant Attributes

You can modify the following attributes of a participant in a File Collaboration job:

Directory - Specifies the watch set that has been selected for replication.

Enabled - Determines whether the participant is enabled.

Storage Platform - Identifies the type of storage platform that the agent will manage.  If the storage device that the agent is managing has changed to a different storage platform, then you need to select the new platform.

Seeding Target - Determines whether the participant host is used as a data seeding target.  For more information on smart data seeding, see Smart Data Seeding in Advanced Topics or contact

To change the attributes of a participant:

1.Select the participant from the Host column in the Selected table.

FC-Edit Job-Participants-Attributes-1

2.To change the directory that is replicated, enter a new directory path in the Directory column.

3.To enable or disable the agent, select a value in the Enabled column.

4.To change whether the agent is a seeding host, select Yes or No in the Seeding Target column.

If you selected Yes, review the information in the message dialog that appears and then click OK.

FC-Edit Job-Participants-Attributes-2

5.Click OK to close the Edit wizard or select another configuration item to modify.