EMC Prerequisites and Configuration

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EMC Prerequisites and Configuration

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For EMC VNX/Celerra environments, the following up to date prerequisites document must be met in addition to the standard Peer Management Center Environmental Requirements:




For EMX Isilon environments, the following up to date prerequisites document must be met in addition to the standard Peer Management Center Environmental Requirements




CEE Server Configuration Guide:


The following links outline the configuration steps to setting up a CEE Server on which the PeerLink Agent will be running:


EMC VNX/Celerra CEE Server Configuration Guide



EMC Isilon CEE Server Configuration Guide








1.Review the prerequisites above before beginning the installation and configuration process.

2.Follow the CEE Server Configuration Guide steps

3.Follow the general Peer Management Center installation steps that can be found here.


4.Launch the Peer Management Center Client.
Note: Before you can start the Peer Management Center interface/client, the Peer Management Center Service needs to be running. See the installation section for more information.


5.Install your license within the Peer Management Center. For more information, see the licensing section. You must contact our sales team to request a license which supports EMC VNX or Isilon. Unless requested, all licenses that are issued do not include EMC support by default.


6.Create a new file collaboration job. For more information, visit the section on creating a job.


7.During the job configuration process, one or more participating hosts must be configured to interface with EMC. To do so, view the Participants page of the File Collaboration Configuration dialog, and add the desired available host to the job. After the host is added to the job, enter the UNC path of the appropriate share on the EMC device to the configured directory of the participant that is to act as a CEE Server. Then select EMC VNX or EMC Isilon as the participant's configured Event Detector. The example below shows two CEE Servers working with an EMC VNX and an EMC Isilon device.

8.As a result of the selection, a configuration dialog will be displayed requesting additional configuration for the CEE and VNX systems.

9.With EMC Ision devices, the following configuration options are available:


EMC Isilon Options




Advanced Settings for EMC Isilon


The cluster IP address of the Isilon system.



With EMC VNX devices, the following configuration options are available:



EMC VNX Options



Advanced Settings for EMC VNX


The Control Station IP address of the VNX system.

The Control Station Port number of the VNX system. Default value is 443.



10.Once all participating hosts are configured with the appropriate EMC paths and detectors, the file collaboration job may be saved and started.