Edit/Configure Jobs

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Edit/Configure Jobs

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From the Jobs View in the File Synchronization Configuration screen, you can make several configuration changes:

Add New Job

Edit Existing Job

Enable/Disable Job

Copy Job

Remove Job




Add New Job

To Add a new Job simply click on the Add button on the right of the Jobs view and select one of the job types available from the drop down list below.



Once a Job type has been selected click Apply and go through the PeerSync Job Configuration wizard screens to complete the Job configuration and add the Job to the profile.


Edit Existing Job

To edit an existing Job, select the Job from the Jobs View and click on the Edit button on the right. The PeerSync Job Properties screen will open with all available settings grouped by category in a left menu tree.




Enable/Disable Job

To Enable or Disable a Job, click on the Checkbox to the left of the Job Name in the Jobs View.

PLEASE NOTE: To save these changes it is important to click OK on the bottom right of the File Synchronization Configuration screen.


Copy Job

You can copy an existing Job by selecting the Job from the Jobs View and clicking on the Copy button on the right. The PeerSync Job Properties screen will open allow you to make changes to the copied Job.

PLEASE NOTE: You have to make at least one change to the Job settings. If the Job remains identical once the OK button is clicked, it will not be saved.


Remove Job

To remove Jobs from the PeerSync Configuration, select one Job from the Jobs view and click on the Remove button on the right. Repeat this for any additional Job you wish to remove.