Main View

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Main View

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After starting up the PeerLink Hub Client, the following Main View is displayed:




The PeerLink Hub is made up of the following Views:


Start and Stop buttons allow you to start and stop any selected jobs.
View Runtime Summary button displays a table of summary information for all jobs of a selected Peerlet type.
Summary Tab - Displays current synchronization summary and session statistics.
Session Tab - Shows currently opened files, session locks, and files being synchronized.
Event Log Tab - Displays a log of recent file activity.
File Conflicts Tab - Shows a list of current file conflicts and quarantined files.
Alerts Tabs - Displays alerts tied specifically to the selected job.
Participants Tab - List of currently configured and associated host participants for the selected job, in addition to connection status for each.
Configuration Tab - Shows a summary of all configurable items for the selected job.



Table Detail Viewer


Most tables shown throughout the PeerLink Hub support double-clicking on any row. This action will bring up a popup dialog containing all of the details pertaining to the information in that row. An example is shown below:




In addition, most right-click context menus contain the ability to copy this detailed information on one or more rows all at the same time. This information can then be pasted into any document editor.