PeerLink Agent Summary View

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PeerLink Agent Summary View

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The Agent Summary View is located in the bottom left section of the PeerLink Hub below the Job View. This view contains a list of all known PeerLink Agents installed in your environment and displays the current connection status for each.




Valid connection statuses are:




Agent Menu Options


Right clicking on one or more host names in the Agent list will open a context popup menu with the following options:




Agent Updates


Additionally, if the Agent software running on a host is out of date, the host will be shown as having a pending update in the Agent Summary View. When right-clicking on the host, the option to automatically update the Agent software will also be available. This process can be done right from the PeerLink Hub and usually does not require any additional actions on the host server itself.



View Agent Properties Dialog


Selecting "View Agent Properties" menu item for a selected host will result in the opening of the following Agent Properties dialog:




This dialog displays Agent and host machine information across the following categories:




Edit Agent Properties Dialog


Selecting "Edit Agent Properties" menu item for a selected host will result in the opening of the following Agent Properties dialog:




This dialog displays the following configurable Agent and host machine options: