Global Permission Options

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Global Permissions Options


This screen is activated by clicking on the Global Settings link located to the right of the NTFS Options ... button in the Permissions window as well as from the PeerSync Global Settings window or the Options menu. This window has the following features:

Monitor File Permission changes during real-time

This global feature will enable real-time monitoring to detect and process file permission changes.

Monitor Folder Permission changes during real-time

This global feature will enable real-time monitoring to detect and process folder permission changes.

Check for Permission changes during scans

This global feature will validate and apply file and folder permission during scans.





1.These settings are Global. Global Settings are global to the current Profile. These settings and options pertain to all of the Jobs in the current Profile and are used to define, configure and execute the launch of Profiles via the PeerSync engine. Arguments to be sent to PeerSync can be selected and setup from the Options/Commands screen.  


2.The Monitor Folder Permission changes during real-time option turns on/off the /LG1 command line argument.


3.If you enable or disable Inheritance at the folder level, these changes will only get replicated during a scan.