NetApp FPolicy

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Edit or maintain default NetApp settings when selecting NetApp FPolicy 7-Mode or NetApp FPolicy cDOT as the detection method. These options are only applicable when using the NetApp FPolicy 7-Mode or NetApp FPolicy cDOT detection method.



Automatically detect and use recommended NetApp configuration

When using the NetApp FPolicy 7-Mode or NetApp FPolicy cDOT detection method, checking this option will automatically populate the required NetApp settings with the defaults. Uncheck this option if you wish to manually edit these settings.


NetApp Settings

Host Server Name

Edit the host name or IP address of the NetApp filer.

Root Path Prefix

Edit the local path of the NetApp share you wish to monitor.

FPolicy Name

Edit the FPolicy name that is used to register for event notification on the filer. By default PeerSync uses PEERSYNC_COMPUTERNAME, where COMPUTERNAME is the name of the host where PeerSync is running. PeerSync will create the FPolicy name at the start of the Job.



FPolicy Options - Global

Use cDOT Detection

Check this option when using NetApp FPolicy cDOT detection method.

Use Asynchronous Mode

If enabled, PeerSync will not wait for a response from the FPolicy server, which enhances overall performance. To enable Asynchronous Mode via the command line argument use /Q74Y. This option is enabled by default for both NetApp detection methods (7Mode and cDOT) and cannot be disable when using cDOT detection mode.

Disable FPolicy on Close

By default PeerSync will disable the FPolicy name it used to register for event notification when the Job is stopped. Disable this option if you do not want  PeerSync to delete the FPolicy name when the Job is stopped.



NetApp FPolicy Additional Settings - By Host

Exclude Volumes

Provides the ability to exclude entire volumes from scans and real-time detection, which enhances overall performance. Enter a list of semi-colon (;) delimited volumes to exclude when using NetApp FPolicy detection during scans or in real-time. Here is an example of excluding volumes vol3 and vol4: vol3,vol4. To exclude volumes via the command line use /Q7-s, where s represents the semi-colon (;) delimited list of volumes to exclude (i.e. /Q7-vol3;vol4).

Include Volumes

Provide a list of semi-colon (;) delimited volumes to include when using NetApp FPolicy detection during scans or in real-time. This field is visible only if the “Exclude Volumes” check box is un-checked.  Here is an example of including volumes vol1 and vol2: vol1;vol2. To include volumes via the command line use /Q7+s, where s represents the semi-colon (;) delimited list of volumes to include (i.e. /Q7+vol1;vol2).





1.NetApp CIFS real-time support requires the NetApp option. Please visit or contact Sales for additional information.


2.NFS real-time support requires an NFS and NetApp enabled license.  Please visit or contact Sales for additional information.


3.Generally performance will be optimal when PeerSync is installed on one of the machines involved in the synchronization process (Source or Target).