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Job Scan Method - Global

CIFS - Default

This scan method should be selected when using Normal or NetApp 7Mode or cDOT detection and is selected automatically when clicking on the "Set CIFS Defaults" button at the bottom.

NFS - Unix/Linux rsync command

This scan method utilizes the Unix/Linux rsync algorithm to scan folders and files. It should be selected when using NFS detection and is selected automatically when clicking on the "Set NFS Defaults" button at the bottom.



Copy File Method - Global

CIFS - Default

This copy method should be selected when using Normal or NetApp 7Mode or cDOT detection. This option is selected automatically when clicking on the "Set CIFS Defaults" button at the bottom.

NFS - Unix/Linux rsync command

This copy method utilizes the Unix/Linux rsync algorithm to sync and transfer files. It should be selected when using NFS detection and is selected automatically when clicking on the "Set NFS Defaults" button at the bottom.

NFS - Unix/Linux cp command

This copy method utilizes the Unix/Linux cp command to sync and transfer files. It provides an alternative sync/transfer method to rsync for NFS detection.

CIFS - CopyFile API - /GFC Argument

This copy method uses a basic file transfer API call (CopyFile) that provides no progress and therefore may be faster.

CIFS - CopyFileEx API - /GFE Argument

This copy method uses an advanced copy method via the CopyFileEx API call that provides feedback.

CIFS - File Stream Method - /GFS Argument

This copy method uses an alternate file stream method to transfer the files.



Admin Backup

Enable this option to transfer files that the account running PeerSync does not currently have permission to but the account can add itself to (/Q7S Command Line Argument).

Advanced Backup

Enable this option for files such Symantec Enterprise Vault stub files ( /Q7S>>Command Line Argument).

Advanced Backup with Permissions

Enable this option for files such as Symantec Enterprise Vault stub files and/or to transfer files with all permissions during the file copy (/Q7S>>> Command Line Argument).



Permissions (Security style) - Global

CIFS - Default (NTFS)

This security style should be selected when using Normal or NetApp 7Mode or cDOT detection. This option is selected automatically when clicking on the "Set CIFS Defaults" button at the bottom.

NFS - Unix/Linux down and chmod commands (UNIX)

This security style should be selected when using NFS detection. This option is selected automatically when clicking on the "Set NFS Defaults" button at the bottom.



Enable NFS Extended Reporting and Display

Check this option to enable extended reporting and display information for permissions when working with NFS detection.



Set CIFS Defaults

Click this button to automatically set the global scan, copy, and permission settings to use the CIFS protocol. This protocol is used for Normal or NetApp 7Mode or cDOT real-time monitoring.

Set NFS Defaults

Click this button to automatically set the global scan, copy, and permission settings to use with NFS.





1.NetApp CIFS real-time support requires the NetApp option. Please visit or contact Sales for additional information.


2.NFS real-time support requires an NFS and NetApp enabled license.  Please visit or contact Sales for additional information.


3.Generally performance will be optimal when PeerSync is installed on one of the machines involved in the synchronization process (Source or Target).