Synchronization Arguments

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Synchronization Arguments


The following arguments are appended to the end of the command line followed by a space and forward slash (i.e. /A). A space and forward slash are also used to separate each additional argument (i.e. /A /M).


Set File Comparison Value: If the /GC argument is used, PeerSync will add x seconds to the Target File date and time stamp to use during comparison.


Set Job Comparison Delta: If the /GD argument is used, PeerSync will add or subtract z seconds from the Target File date and time stamp during a comparison for Job number n.


Example: /GD:1,+30:2,-60:


Use Alternate Copy File Methods: The following copy file methods may be invoked:



Use CopyFile API method


Use File Stream method


Use CopyFileEX method


Transfer Alternate Data Streams - The same functionality can be used at a Job level by using the SETVAR INCLUDEALTFILESTREAMS  switch in the Pre/Post paths.


Ignore File Size and/or Date Comparison: If the /GI or /GIS argument is used, PeerSync will ignore file size during folder scans (if date matches then skip file). If the /GID argument is used, PeerSync will ignore file date comparison during folder scan (if size matches then skip file).f the /GISD argument is used, PeerSync will ignore file date and size comparison during folder scan (always replace Target file even if they are identical).


Get Remote PC Time: If the /GT argument is used, PeerSync will attempt to get the time from the Target PC as well as the local PC and automatically compensate for time differences.


Note:  /GT is only applicable in an NT/2K Environment


Use Delete Path for Revisions: If the /GX argument is used, PeerSync will use the deletions path for all PSBAK revision files.


Ignore Target Space During File Copy:  The /I argument sets PeerSync to ignore Target space available during file copy.


Move Files: If the /J argument is used, PeerSync will move files - deleting them from the Source after they have been successfully transferred.


Active Connection Interval: If the /KA argument is used, PeerSync will attempt to connect every x minutes to Target machine(s).


Set Deletion Move To Folder Cleanup Interval: If the /LH argument is used, PeerSync will check the Move To Folder (the folder where deleted files are move to), every x minutes to see if files needed to be deleted on the cycle specified by the Delete unmatched Target Files older than x days option.

/LI [ R | T | A ]

Target In-Use Replacement: If the /LI argument is used, PeerSync will perform the following operation if Target File is unavailable:



Force rename of open Target File


Force terminate of open Target File application


Force terminate of all open Target applications


Set Failed Connection Timer: If the /LM argument is used, PeerSync will use the following variables to determine retry frequency:



Approximate time, in minutes, for retry of failed connection (time may vary as much as a few minutes).


Frequency to retry files


Maximum Retry Count


Example: /LM5O25C100

Checks failed connections every 5 minutes, retries files every 25 seconds, to a maximum retry count of 100.


Note: This item is selectable from the Profiler via the Options/Commands Screen.


Disable Failed Connection Timer: If the /LMD argument is used, PeerSync will not check for failed connections:


Example:  /LMD

Does not check for failed connections.


Note: This item is selectable from the Profiler via the Options/Commands Screen.


Run application at start of PeerSync: If the /LR argument is used, PeerSync will execute an application or shell script specified by file at the initialization of PeerSync.


Example:   /LR:C:\WINNT\notepad.exe


Enable Last Access Compare: The /LW argument allows you to use the last access date/time instead of the modified date/time for comparisons to determine file updates.


Do not delete folders: If the /NODELFLDR argument is used, PeerSync will not delete folders during synchronization.


Set Target File Overwrite:  The /O argument sets Target File overwrite on all Jobs.


Use Full Access File Copy: If the /QB argument is used, PeerSync will only copy files it can gain full access to during synchronization.


Shadow Time Range: This argument will use an n second time range for file time stamps during comparison. If the Source and corresponding Target File time stamps fall in the range then the file time stamps will be seen as equal.


n = Time in seconds


Note: /QF:1 is equivalent to a value between 1 to 3 seconds depending on the file systems being used.


Precision Comparison: Use this argument to remove minutes, seconds, or milliseconds from files during comparison.



Removes/ignores the milliseconds from both the source and target file time stamps during comparison


Removes/ignores the milliseconds and seconds from both the source and target file time stamps during comparison


Removes/ignores the milliseconds, seconds, and minutes from both the source and target file time stamps during comparison


Always use the local machine time for the Last Run Time: If this argument is used, PeerSync will always uses the local machine time for the Last Run Time, instead of using the minimum time of the Source and Target machines involved in the synchronization.


Force Flush File Buffers: Forces the file data that has been written across the network to be fully committed to disk before continuing. The Interval n is the number of buffers worth of data to write before forcing a disk write of the data, if n is not used the default is 100 cycles.


Note:  This is expected to naturally occur without this argument, but on some systems across slower networks it is necessary to force the commit of data to correctly gauge process of writing the file.


Direct Disk Write: Forces the file data that has been written across the network to be fully committed to disk before continuing. This will occur for each buffer worth of data that is transferred.


Note:  You may use this argument or the /GFC option to resolve Windows "Delayed Write Failed..." messages.


Ignore Matching/Locked File Extensions: This argument will ignore an add/update of a file, if a matching file with the same base name and the specified extension ext exists.


Example:  /QI:dwl


Note:  One instance of this example is if a file called MyFile.dwg is updated it will be excluded from synchronization while MyFile.dwl exists.


Ignore Matching/Locked File Postfix Replacement: This argument will ignore an add/update of a file, if a matching file with the same base name with the specified postfix replacement str exists.


Example:  /QJ:~$


Note: One instance of this example is if a file called MyDocument.doc is updated, it will be excluded from synchronization while ~$Document.doc exists.


Terminate All Instances of PeerSync:  The /T argument terminates all running instances of PeerSync, including itself.


Verify User-Name: If the /V argument is used, PeerSync will verify logged on User-Name defined in the local user file list, specified by the following options:



Require user to be in the user file list


Bypass the request to add to list dialog


Maximum number of user allowed


Set Queue Directory Change Count: If the /W argument is used, PeerSync will set queue directory change count, events to wait for action x.


Disable application associated with active file synchronization:  When a file is being synchronized, this option searches all active windows on the desktop for a caption that contains the path/filename of the active file. PeerSync then disables the active application in one of two ways. The command lines "/WPFIX or /WPFIX2" disables the entire application and" /WPFIX1" disables the save toolbar and file menu save item. (This option also verifies that the word "WordPerfect" is in the caption before disabling). Both options will append "(Synchronizing)" to the existing caption and when the file is synchronized, the caption will be restored.


Folder Queue Watch Interval: Change the default timer interval for checking the folder queue to x seconds (the default is .5 seconds).


Example:  /YC:3


Allow Replication During Dynamically Created Jobs: This argument will allow dynamically created Jobs (i.e. Job scans triggered by Folder Additions) to use the replicate option.


Partial Locked File Extensions List: This argument is used for file types that are partial locked when open by other applications (i.e. Outlook PST files). If the /YF argument is used, and Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS) is enabled PeerSync will always process files with the specified extensions as though they are open and locked files. If VSS is not enabled, then PeerSync will pre-scan the files to ensure complete access before file copy. PST files are included in this list by default and can be changed via this command line.


Example:  /YF:.pst;.dba;


Use Network Password Dialog: If the /YN argument is used, PeerSync will display a network password dialog if you do not have right to access the Source or Target Folder.


Delete Empty Source Folders After Move: This argument will delete all empty Source Folders after a synchronization scan when using the Move Files - Delete Source File after successful copy to Target option.


Do Not Validate Connections Before Profile is Loaded: This argument will not try to validate Source and Target Folder connections during the load of a Profile. It will assume that the connections will be available upon start of each Job. This option is useful if you are running a Pre Process that will establish a connection and/or create a Source or Target Folder. This argument should be used when using the /LJP (Always Run Post Process) argument or when needing to dynamically create the source and or target paths.  


Ignore Open File Extensions: If the /Z argument is used, PeerSync will ignore files with the specified extensions that are currently opened where the full name of the file is displayed in the caption of another window. This argument may be ignored if Multiple Job or multiple copy threads are enabled.


Example:  /Z:.wpd;.txt;


Exclude Folders that have a Reparse Point: By default PeerSync will exclude folders that have a Reparse Point object, which are common in Windows Vista. Use this argument to alter this behaviour:



Don't exclude folders that have a Reparse Point object


Exclude folders that have a Reparse Point object recursively pointing back to itself (Default)


Exclude all folders that have a Reparse Point object


Always Run Post Process: If the /LJP argument is used, PeerSync allows for the ability to process Post commands even if the Job fails. This argument is useful for non persistent Profiles that need to execute or start other processes regardless whether or not its Job was able to run. This argument should be used in conjunction with the /YV command which allows for the Profile to be loaded before the source and target folder(s) are validated.


Listener Alternate Route Path: Adding this option will create an Edit: Listener Alternate Route Path option when right-clicking on either the Source or Target folder selection paths. This creates and opens a file called %PROFILENAME%.psl in the Profiles directory used to configure alternate route(s) for the PSListener. Here is an example of what the content of the %PROFILENAME%.psl file should look like:






The first column contains the name or IP address of the remote non-Windows server.

The second column lists the name or IP address of the Windows server where the PSListener is running.


Compare and Set File Attributes from Windows to NetApp: Arguments to support the comparing and setting of file attributes from Windows to NetApp.



Includes fixes to check for the I attribute to see if the setting of attributes was successful and logging of failed setting of attributes.


Suppresses the logging of failed setting of attributes due to the above additions (i.e. /LZAS will run all the new logic but will not log failures).


Force off the I attribute when setting target files.


Will force on the I attribute when setting target files.


Will force off the T attribute when setting target files.


Will force on the T attribute when setting target files.      


WN will use A, I- and T- for a potential fix for Windows to NetApp systems.  This is the recommended workaround for this scenario for now especially for TCP routing.


For a Windows to NetApp Fix use: /LZS:WN

Possible alternatives are to use: /LZSA or /LZSAS

When routing via TCP and not using the WN  (or I- and T-) switches you may require the following entry in the PSListener93.CFG file:


[Application Settings]



Convert Well-Known SIDs: Set this option to convert well-known SIDs (WNS) when using ACLs over TCP to act similar to Normal (non-TCP) Jobs.



Enable this feature.


Will Report failures to PSError.log


Will Report converted items to PSError.log


Will Report skipped items to PSError.log


Will Report converted WNS parts to PSError.log


Use alternate method.


Uses default and alternate method.


Share Migration support for cDOT 8.3: Add this option to enable Share Migration support for cDOT 8.3.



Revert to incrementing message count for the Job for successful share migration messages. 


Report Share Errors and Share Totals only


Report Share Errors, Share Totals, Share Actions, Share Permission Errors and Extended Share Information


Report Share Errors, Share Totals, Share Actions, Share Permission Errors, Extended Share Information, Get and Set of Shares, Share Permission Matches and Share Permission Skips


Share Errors, Share Totals, Share Actions, Share Permission Errors, Extended Share Information, Get and Set Share Information,  Share Permission Matches, Share Permission Skips and Share Permission Actions


Report source and target system information.


Use previous Share Migration Logic from v9.0.

/Q7OR- -

Same as /Q7OR- and disables share migration starting information.


Disable share migration starting information.


Report all activity at the end of share migration, instead of during


PeerSync will use the cDOT 8.2 method which requires user/pass (and optional Management IP) for source and target cDOT 8.3 systems.


PeerSync will use the cDOT 8.2 method which requires user/pass (and optional Management IP) for source cDOT 8.3 systems


PeerSync will use the cDOT 8.2 method which requires user/pass (and optional Management IP) for target cDOT 8.3 systems


PeerSync will use the cDOT 8.2 method which requires user/pass (and optional Management IP) for source cDOT 8.3 systems and force on unsupported scenarios.


PeerSync will use the Windows and/or 7-Mode method for source and target cDOT 8.3 systems even for the current scenario that seems to fail for Windows to cDOT 8.3.


NFS Replication: Use these options to enable NFS FPolicy real-time detection, scanning, and the ability to transfer/compare UNIX permissions between NetApp 7-Mode and cDOT systems.



Base argument for using rsync for scanning (turned on via the interface)


Turn on debug verbose logging to report why files are excluded


Remove Failed Events If Successfully Re-Processed: Removes Failed Events from the Failed Event list after they were successfully processed.


cDOT Optimizations: This command line argument provides cDOT detection with the ability to connect to specific nodes, exclude specific shares, and automatically create and exclude the recommended $ admin share to achieve optimal bi-directional synchronization.









1.Use "|" for delimiter between items and ";" for delimiter between sub items


2.Quotes are required for strings with "|" in them


3.RegisterForEvents and UnRegisterForEvents are used if /Q7L string is not set


4.RegisterForEventsExtended and UnRegisterForEventsExtended are used if /Q7L string is set


Transfer Folder Information: Transfer additional folder information such as modified, created, accessed time and attributes. This option can diminish performance.



Enable comparing of Date accessed time (off by default)


Disable reporting of Updates


Disable reporting of Messages


Enable reporting of Compare Matches to the Updated tab for debugging/analysis


Skip processing after each Directory scan


Skip processing after each File Copy (the parent folder is checked)


Skip processing after each Set Folder Info call (used for Enhanced Bi-Sync) and is done after real-time / event folder adds (on by default)


Skip processing after Folder Renames (on by default)


Skip processing parent folder after File/Folder Deletes (on by default)


Force processing after each Set Folder Info call (used for Enhanced Bi-Sync)


Enable processing after each Security Permission check (off by default)


Enable processing after certain Create Folder calls


Not include the Root watch folder





1.Any arguments containing spaces must be enclosed by quotes.


2.Some features described on this page require the Enhanced Package.


3.Command line arguments can also be identified through hints displayed on the Profiler.


4.If you have selected to display hints through the View Menu (either on the application interface or in its Status Bar), a hint will be displayed for Profiler features upon passing the mouse cursor over them. These hints will display both a description of the feature as well as its related command line argument (if any).


5.For more information on the latest features and how to implement specific scenarios please go to our support page at: