Source Folder Configure Button

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Source Folder Configuration: Using Normal Mode


The Source folder configure button is activated by clicking on the Configure button located in right lower corner of the Source Folder panel/section. Selecting the Configure button opens the Source Folder Configuration window. Alternatively, you may right-click on the Source Folder field and select Configure: Source Folder (See Source Folder Popup Menu). This window allows for network logon Name and Password information for a remote Source connection.


Detection Method - Global

Detection Method for Real-Time Monitoring

Choose the desired detection method for the Source folder. You may choose from the following options:


Normal (default)

Select this option to specify a local or remote drive which resides on the network (LAN, WAN, or VPN). This is the recommended detection method for most scenarios. Close the Source Folder Configuration dialog once you have selected your desired source folder detection mode and enter the path to the source folder in the Folder Selection screen (i.e. D:\Path\Folder).


Note: PeerSync must reside on the source system in order to enable Normal real-time detection.


NetApp FPolicy 7-Mode

Select this option to specify the path to a 7-Mode NetApp filer for either real-time or scanning scenarios. Close the Source Folder Configuration dialog once you have selected your desired source folder detection mode and enter the path to the source folder in the Folder Selection screen (i.e. \\NetAppFiler\Share\Folder).


Note: This option can only be activated if the license supports NetApp detection. Please visit or contact Sales for additional information.


NetApp FPolicy cDOT

Select this option to specify the path to a cDOT NetApp filer for either real-time or scanning scenarios. Close the Source Folder Configuration dialog once you have selected your desired source folder detection mode and enter the path to the source folder in the Folder Selection screen (i.e. \\NetAppFiler\Share\Folder).


Note: This option can only be activated if the license supports NetApp detection. Please visit or contact Sales for additional information.

Detection Method Options

Exclude Users

When selecting NetApp fPolicy 7-Mode or NetApp FPolicy cDOT as the source detection mode, you have the option to filter/exclude real-time activity from a list of specific users. Real-time events from the users in this field will be excluded. Enter the desired user names in a semi collon delimited format (i.e. user1;user2;user3).


Allow for remote real-time configuration

This option indicates whether or not the selected source folder detection method supports real-time detection for remote paths. Presently, this feature is only supported for NetApp fPolicy Mode or Netapp FPolicy cDOT detection modes.

Connection Manager - Global


The Connection Manager tracks and determines if connections are lost to source and/or target folders. With this new capability PeerSync can proactively detect when a connection is lost or reconnected, giving the ability to restart real-time and/or scan Jobs if needed.

Automatically use recommended settings based on Detection Method (Default)

Check this option if you wish to let the Connection Manger track the connection status on both the source and target locations. When a lost connection is restored, PeerSync will restart real-time and/or scan Jobs if the option to "Scan Job once at start" is enabled. In addition, this logic will apply to only connections which are set for real-time monitoring.

Connection Manger for Failed Connections

Choose one of the following options to manually disable or enable the Connection Manger which tracks the connection status on the desired locations.



Disable the Connection Manager


Enabled for Source Connections Only

Enable the Connection Manger to track the connection status only on the source location.


Enabled for Target Connections Only

Enable the Connection Manger to track the connection status only on the target location.


Enabled for Source and Target Connections

Enable the Connection Manger to track the connection status on both the source and target locations.


Connection Manager Options

Only include connections that are set for real-time monitoring

Set the Connection Manager to monitor only connections that are set for real-time detection.


Scan real-time Jobs on reconnect if "Scan Job once at start" is enabled

Set the Connection Manager to scan real-time Jobs on reconnect if the Scan Job once at start option is enabled.


NetApp FPolicy Settings


Edit or maintain default NetApp settings when selecting NetApp FPolicy cDOT as the detection method. These options are only applicable when using the NetApp FPolicy 7-Mode or NetApp FPolicy cDOT detection method.

Automatically detect and use recommended NetApp configuration

When using the NetApp FPolicy 7-Mode or NetApp FPolicy cDOT detection method, checking this option will automatically populate the required NetApp settings with the defaults. Uncheck this option if you wish to manually edit these settings.

NetApp Settings

Host Server Name


Edit the host name or IP address of the NetApp filer.

Root Path Prefix


Edit the local path of the NetApp share you wish to monitor.

fPolicy Named

Edit the fPolicy name that is used to register for event notification on the filer. By default PeerSync uses PEERSYNC_COMPUTERNAME, where COMPUTERNAME is the name of the host where PeerSync is running. PeerSync will create the fPolicy name at the start of the Job.


Delete fPolicy on Close

By default PeerSync will remove/delete the fPolicy name it used to register for event notification when the Job is stopped. Disable this option if you do not want  PeerSync to delete the fPolidy name when the Job is stopped.

FPolicy Options - Global

cDOT Detection

Check this option when using NetApp FPolicy cDOT detection method.


Asynchronous Mode

If enabled, PeerSync will not wait for a response from the FPolicy server, which enhances overall performance. To enable Asynchronous Mode via the command line argument use /Q74Y. This option is enabled by default for both NetApp detection methods (7Mode and cDOT) and cannot be disable when using cDOT detection mode.


Exclude Volumes

If enabled, provides the ability to exclude entire volumes from scans and real-time detection, which enhances overall performance. If unchecked, the interface will change to provide the ability to include specific volumes in the “Include Volumes” field.

NetApp FPolicy Additional Settings - Global

Exclude Volumes

Provide a list of comma (,) delimited volumes to exclude when using NetApp FPolicy detection during scans or in real-time. Here is an example of excluding volumes vol3 and vol4: vol3,vol4. To exclude volumes via the command line use /Q7-s, where s represents the comma (,) delimited list of volumes to exclude (i.e. /Q7-vol3,vol4).


Include Volumes

Provide a list of comma (,) delimited volumes to include when using NetApp FPolicy detection during scans or in real-time. This field is visible only if the “Exclude Volumes” check box is un-checked.  Here is an example of including volumes vol1 and vol2: vol1,vol2. To include volumes via the command line use /Q7+s, where s represents the comma (,) delimited list of volumes to include (i.e. /Q7+vol1,vol2).


Exclude Extensions

Provide a list of comma (,) delimited file extensions to exclude when using NetApp FPolicy detection during scans or in real-time. To exclude extensions via the command line use /Q70:s, where s represents the comma (,) delimited list of extensions to exclude (i.e. /Q70:tmp,dwl,dwl2). Use %AUTO% for PeerSync to build a list of file extensions dynamically. To use the %AUTO% option via the command line use /Q70. This is the equivalent of using the /QR argument for FPolicy only.

NetApp FPolicy cDOT Settings


Edit or maintain default NetApp settings when selecting NetApp FPolicy cDOT as the detection method. These options are only applicable when using the NetApp FPolicy cDOT detection method.

NetApp FPolicy cDOT SVM Logon Settings


Provide the user name for the account that will be used to run the API calls against the vServer.



Provide the password for the account that will be used to run the API calls against the vServer.


NetApp FPolicy cDOT Additional Settings

Management IP

Optionally, specify the IP address for system where the Management node is on a separate IP from the IP used to access the shares.


Include Shares

Provide a list of alternate shares to register for. Alternate shares are automatically discovered and registered for by default. This can be disabled by unchecking the Disable Alternate Share Lookup option.  For example, use this in cases where the alternate share points to the root level and should not be included.


Primary Server

This is an optional list of semi colon (;) delimited IP addresses of the system(s) where the FPolicy server is running (i.e. the system where PeerSync is running).  Events generated on the SVM from this IP will be automatically filtered unless the "Disable IP Filtering" option is used. Therefore it is important to note that in order for real-time detection to work, all changes must be made from different systems and not the system where PeerSync is running.


cDOT Options - Global

Asynchronous Mode

Enabled by default, PeerSync will not wait for a response from the FPolicy server, which enhances overall performance. Currently, this setting must always be enabled.


Disable Alternate Share Lookup

Alternate shares are automatically discovered and registered for by default. This can be disabled by unchecking the Disable Alternate Share Lookup option.  For example, use this in cases where the alternate share points to the root level and should not be included.


Get Info

Click this button to display a short description about the source NetApp host PeerSync is connecting to.

Network Logon Settings


Provides the ability to connect to a source folder that may require a different account then the on PeerSync is running under.

Network Logon Settings

Connect As

Provide the user name to allow PeerSync connection to the source directory that is not accessible using the current service or logged on account. Be sure to include the domain name if applicable (i.e. MyDomain\UserName).



Enter the password information for login.


Source TCP/Port Configuration


The Source Folder Configure Button is activated by clicking on the Configure button located in right lower corner of the Source Folder panel/section. Selecting the Configure button opens the Source TCP/Port Configuration window. Alternatively, you may right-click on the Source Folder field and select Configure: Source Folder (See Source Folder Popup Menu).


TCP Configuration Tab


This tab provides a guided method for entering the Source TCP path.

Host Name

Enter the IP address or machine name of the Source Folder into this filed. You may use the machine name only if the remote Source Machine resides on the same network as that on which PeerSync is running.

Path to Host

Provide the full path (i.e. C:\Documents and Settings\Source) to the Source folder in this field. The path entered needs to be a local path without a machine name or UNC format. This field does not validate the existence of the path you provide therefore you must exercise great care when doing so. If the path does not exist, PeerSync will create it during run time as long as a valid host name or IP address has been provided and it can find the drive letter specified.


A UNC path can be entered for the Path on Host selection for a TCP source or TCP target.   This gives the ability to configure non-windows to non-windows Jobs over TCP (i.e. NetApp to NetApp over TCP).  Note: This will make use of a new NETWORK constant in the source or target selection.






Care must be exercised if your PSListener contains a "Root Path". If you specify such a path in your PSListener it will behave like an FTP server that sets Root Paths to limit user access to the local file system. If a "Root Path" exists on the PSListener it will limit PeerSync's ability to access directories on the remote device. PeerSync will only be able to access directories equal to or bellow the specified "Root Path" level provided that it meets the Port and Encryption requirements. In no circumstances can PeerSync access directories located above this path. If the remote path you enter in the Path to Host  field references a directory above the "Root Path", PeerSync will create that folder structure at runtime bellow the "Root Path".




PSListener "Root Path"

= C:\Backup\Users\Admin

PeerSync's "Path to Host"

= C:\Backup\My Documents

Actual Remote Source Path

= C:\Backup\Users\Admin\C\Backup\My Documents


Note: The "Root Path" will be ignored when performing byte-level replication using Normal Mode (i.e. Local or UNC paths).

Port Configuration Tab


This tab provides settings to be used by both the Source and Target connections when using TCP and/or Byte Replicator.

Time Out

Sets the amount of time a connection will wait to complete a data transfer before exiting and performing the failure operation.


This is the TCP Port used to communicate with the Listener on the remote machine. This must match the port number that the PSListener is configured for. By default both Listener and PeerSync use port 7333.


Note: The Profiler will not support Well Known Port numbers 0 - 1023. You must use port numbers that are greater than or equal to 1024.


Uses a lossless compression algorithm to transmit data in fewer bits. By default Compression is disabled to achieve faster performance.

User Information

This is an optional setting that allows you to specify a User Name and Password to be used for encryption as well as authentication purposes when connecting to the remote PSListener. In order to activate encryption or authentication, you must specify both a User Name and a Password value.  Strong DES encryption will be used to encrypt the data and communication as it is being transmitted over the Internet, LAN, WAN, or VPN.


The User Name and Password entries can be arbitrarily chosen and are not required to be valid. However, once specified, you must enter the same User Name and Password entries in the PSListener Configuration residing on the remote location.


If you specify a User Name without a Password, the User Name entry will be ignored and no encryption or authentication with the PSListener will occur.



Source FTP Logon Configuration


The Source Folder Configure Button is activated by clicking on the Configure button located in right lower corner of the Source Folder panel/section. Selecting the Configure button opens the Source FTP Configuration window. Alternatively, you may right-click on the Source Folder field and select Configure: Source Folder (See Source Folder Popup Menu).


FTP Configuration Tab


Provides a guided method for entering the Source FTP path as well as connection authentication.

Host Name

Enter the IP address or machine name of the Source folder into this filed. You may use the machine name only if the FTP Source machine resides on the same network as that on which PeerSync is running.

Path to Host

Provide the full path to the Source folder in this field (i.e. /FTProot/My Data/Source). Make sure the path begins at the base directory to which the FTP server allows connection. The path does not need to be preceded by the key phrase 'FTP' however it must start with a forward slash ( / ). This field does not validate the existence of the path you provide therefore you must exercise great care when doing so. If the path does exist, PeerSync will create it during run time as long as a valid host name or IP address has been provided.

User Name

Stores the Source FTP User Name information for login.


Stores the Source FTP Password information for login.

FTP Settings Tab


Provides configuration for the FTP Source Selection.

Enable Passive Mode

Sets the FTP mode to passive. The phrase passive refers to the FTP server which passively accepts connections and data while the client initiates both the control connection and the data connection to random ports specified by the server. Passive mode is enabled by default.

Host is using GMT

Option to adjust for GMT time on the FTP server side.

Time Out (seconds)

Sets the amount of time a connection will wait to complete a data transfer before exiting and performing the failure operation.


Port number used to initiate an FTP session or "command" connection to the FTP server. Uses standard port 21 by default.

Use Proxy - Firewall

This option allows you to specify the Host Name, User ID, Password, and Port number to a network Proxy - Firewall.

File types to transfer as ASCII

Through this field, file types can be selectively tagged for transfer as ASCII upon synchronization. File types can be typed manually, or can be specified using either the "Files to Transfer as ASCII Button" or the drop-down list located to the right of the field. The drop-down list located to the right of this field will be dynamically populated with file types as they are set through the dialog box described above. They are also added to the list when you exit the field after manually editing the file types field. File types can then be specified by selecting them from this list. This provides a way to store and/or retrieve sets of file types for later use with other Jobs.


Alternatively, clicking on the "Files to Transfer as ASCII Button" to the right of this field opens a dialog box into which file types may be entered. To add a File Type click "New," then type the desired file type into the field located at the bottom of the dialog. These file types are set by specifying file extensions (i.e. ".txt") which, if found within a file name, will be transferred as an ASCII file during synchronization. Multiple strings will be semicolon delimited. These settings are not case sensitive, (i.e. "A" = "a"). Repeat this process for each File type. Entries can be deleted by selecting them from the list and clicking the "Delete" key at the bottom of the box. Once you have finished, click the "OK" button. The box will close and all of the file types you have specified will automatically appear in the Files to transfer as ASCII field.





1.The TCP features listed on this page require the TCP WAN Connector option. Please visit or contact Sales for additional information.


2.The FTP features listed on this page require the File Transfer Protocol (FTP) option. Please visit or contact Sales for additional information.