Performance Arguments
The following arguments are appended to the end of the command line followed by a space and forward slash (i.e. /A). A space and forward slash are also used to separate each additional argument (i.e. /A /M).
Set Shared Process Delay: The /GE argument is used to set the shared process delay to allow more/less CPU utilization. This value ranges from 0 -10 where 0 (less CPU) will use the most delay and 10 (more CPU).will use the least amount of delay.
Copy Thread Utilization: If the /GK argument is enabled, PeerSync will allow up to x threads to watch the queue that manages changes allowing for increased Copy Thread utilization.
Set Email Threads: If the /GP argument is enabled, PeerSync will allow up to x threads to be used for email tasks.
Set Multitasking Delay: The /LK argument is used to adjust the delay during multitasking. This value may be set between 1 and 10 where 10 is the highest amount of delay and 1 is the least amount of delay. The default value is 4.
Set Processor Affinity: If the /LN argument is enabled, PeerSync will allow you to limit which CPUs to use in a multi-processor environment, where each CPU is represented by 2 to the x value:
/LN:1 = Use CPU 1
/LN:16 = Use CPU 5
/LN:2 = Use CPU 2
/LN:32 = Use CPU 6
/LN:4 = Use CPU 3
/LN:64 = Use CPU 7
/LN:8 = Use CPU 4
/LN:128 = Use CPU 8
Use CPU 1
Use CPU 1, CPU 2
(/LN:1 + /LN:2 = /LN:3)
Use CPU 3
Use CPU 1, CPU 3
(/LN:1 + /LN:4 = /LN:5)
Use CPU 1, CPU 2, CPU 3, CPU 4
(/LN:1 + /LN:2 + /LN:4 + /LN:8 = /LN:15)
Note: By default all CPUs will be used.
Set Copy Threads: If the /MCT argument is enabled, PeerSync will allow up to x file copy threads to be spawned for file copy tasks. These copy threads will be shared by one or more Jobs during the synchronization process.
Note: This item is selectable from the Profiler via the Options/Commands Screen.
Set Job Threads: If the /MFT argument is enabled, PeerSync will allow up to x Job threads to be spawned for managing Job tasks.
Note: This item is selectable from the Profiler via the Options/Commands Screen.
Optimize Performance: If the /OPTIMIZE argument is enabled, PeerSync will disable status screen windows used for outputting status information. This will minimize memory allocation for the User Interface.
Set Application Priority: If the /PERFORMANCE argument is enabled, PeerSync will set the application's priority based on the following value of x
0: Lowest Priority
1: Below Average Priority
2: High Priority.
1. This item is selectable from the Profiler via the Options/Commands Screen.
2. If the /PERFORMANCE argument is not used, PeerSync will use a default priority.
3. When setting the Application Priority to High, PeerSync will use more then average CPU, you may want to use the Set Processor Affinity argument in this scenario.
Set Real-time Copy Thread Pool: Used to set the percentage of Copy Threads to reserve for Real-Time events, where n can be set between the values of 1 and 99. The default value is 10.
Set File Read/Write Buffer Delay: Used to set a delay in n milliseconds between each file read/write cycle to allow the limiting of CPU usage and system resources during file transfers. The higher the delay value, the less CPU used but the slower the performance or speed of PeerSync.
Exclude Common Job Exceptions in Event Processing: Checks the global exclusions before file hits such as before event processing and before adding the event to the visual list. This option creates a global file exclude list based on the file exclude list from all the Jobs. The filter applies to real-time add and update events. Since they are applied early in event processing there are no log entries for these exclusions. Remove the /QR option to achieve logging.
Exclude Common Job Exceptions in Event Processing for FPolicy Jobs Only: This argument is the equivalent of the /QR option but applies to FPolicy Jobs only. In the user interface, set the Exclude Extensions list to %AUTO% to achieve the same result.
Exclude Extensions: Provide a list of comma (,) delimited file extensions to exclude when using NetApp FPolicy detection during scans or in real-time. This can be done in the user interface or via the command line. Use use /Q70:s, where s represents the comma (,) delimited list of extensions to exclude (i.e. /Q70:tmp,dwl,dwl2).
Exclude Volumes: Provide a list of comma (,) delimited volumes to exclude when using NetApp FPolicy detection during scans or in real-time. This can be done in the user interface or via the command line. Use /Q7-s, where s represents the comma (,) delimited list of volumes to exclude (i.e. /Q7-vol3,vol4).
Include Volumes: Provide a list of comma (,) delimited volumes to include when using NetApp FPolicy detection during scans or in real-time. This can be done in the user interface or via the command line. Use /Q7+s, where s represents the comma (,) delimited list of volumes to include (i.e. /Q7+vol1,vol2).