Participants View

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Participants View

The Participants view is divided into two sections:

Host Participants

Host Participant State Change Log


Host Participants

The Host Participants section contains a table that displays all the currently configured host participants for the selected File Collaboration job.  The State column displays activity status occurring on the hosts.  If a host has become unavailable, an error message is displayed in red next to the failed host.

The following options are available in the right-click context menu for this section:

Disable Host Participant

Temporarily disables the selected participant from taking part in the File Collaboration job.  You might want to do this if the host is experiencing temporary network outages.

Cancel Auto Restart

This menu item is only available if the global auto-restart functionality is enabled and the selected host has been removed from the File Collaboration job that is currently being viewed. The canceling of the auto-restart functionality for the host will only be in effect until the next time you start the File Collaboration job.  If quorum has been lost for the job, canceling auto-restart on all unavailable hosts will prevent the job from automatically restarting.  If quorum has not been lost, canceling auto-restart will simply prevent a host from automatically re-joining collaboration.

Host Participant State Change Log

The Host Participant State Change Log section contains a table that displays the most recent host participant state changes, e.g., when a host was removed from collaboration session, or when a host came back online.  

The Host Participant State Change Log is a log of all host participant status changes (e.g., Collaborating, Not Collaborating) and/or state changes (e.g., Active, Pending Restart) of a host participant.  This table is limited to 250 rows and can be filtered by host, by status, and by state.

The following options are available in the right-click context menu for this section:

Refresh View

Refresh all information provided in the table.

Clear Events

Remove all items from the table.