Distribute Profile

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Distribute Profile

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This topic covers information on how to distribute changes to the PeerSync profile from the Peer Management Center


To distribute the PeerSync profile changes, right-click on the file synchronization job from the Job View and click on Edit Configuration.

In the file synchronization Configuration screen click on the Associated Profile node and click on the Distribute button.


In the event that one or more of your jobs are configured to use a ByteReplicator Relay Server (usually used in NetApp source environments) the Distribute Profile process will also distribute your relay Server configurations by compiling all unique target Hosts and relay servers into a '%profilename%.pls' file. This file will be distributed to the PeerSync machine along side the profile.


Please Note: This action will distribute the profile to the machine and attempt to Stop and Start PeerSync Service to commit those changes. If you do not wish to restart PeerSync service, wait to distribute the profile until you are ready to have the service restart.

