Advanced Display

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Jobs Stats


To see this panel, click on the Show Advanced Display link at the bottom right corner of the Run/View PeerSync window. The Enable Advanced Display option must be checked in order for this link to be active. The Jobs Stats display is the top panel and contains runtime statistics for all the Jobs configured within the Profile. Clicking on a Job will update the bottom Advanced Run/View PeerSync panel. Click on the All Jobs entry to display all the Job statistics, cumulatively, in the bottom panel.


Represents the automatically assigned Job number for each Job. An icon represents the state of the Job (Green, Yellow, or Red):



Running with no failed events


Warning state indicates the Job is running with failed events


Failed connection and/or offline/stopped

Job Name

Lists the unique name for each Job.


Displays the path to the source folder.


Displays the target path.

Last Scan (Status: Duration)

Displays the date and time of the last scan along with a description of the scan state and duration. For example: 11/17/2011 4:28:31 PM (Completed Successfully: 00:06:05)

In Sync

Displays whether each Job is in sync. In order for the In Sync state to be set to Yes, the following criteria needs to be satisfied:


1.There should be zero Failed Events

2.The status starts should be Normal (i.e. source/target not disconnected and/or not in a Blackout etc.)

3.The Last Scan (Status: Duration) for the Job has Completed Successfully and does not contain messages

4.There are zero active events for the Job

5.The In Queue stats for the Job starts with [Processing: 0] ==> [Event File: DNE and contains [In Queue: 0

6.The Scan Needed column value is set to No


Examples of possible In Sync states:



Yes (As of Last Scan)

Yes (Job Stopped - Manually)

Yes (Job Stopped - Manually; As of Last Scan)

No (Failed Events: 1)

No (See Status for Details)

No (Scan Running)

No (Scan Pending)

No (See Last Scan for Details)

No (Last Scan has Messages)

No (Active Events)

No (Items In Queue)

No (Scan Needed)

No (Scan Running; Items In Queue)


Displays information regarding the trending state of the In Sync column (Up, Down, or Flat). If the number of events within a cycle is 500 or less, the Trending status will be Flat. If the number of events increased by 1,000 or more within a cycle, then the Trending status will be Up. If the number of events decreased by 1,000 or more within a cycle, then the Trending status will be Down.



1.The column will show N/A if you have not reached the cycle yet and/or there is no difference in events within the last cycle.

2.The TrendingUpValue and TrendingDnValue items are event differences per second for Processing and In Queue event items from the In Queue stats.

3.To adjust the default values based on desired results (i.e. you may be stuck in the Flat state too often if you are looking for a difference in changes), modify the TrendingDnValue and TrendingUpValue values in the PSDEF.cfg file.


[Misc Options]





Next Scan (Run in)

Count down to the next scan for scheduled or interval scans.

Xfer Rate

Determines the transfer rate in megabits per second for each Job. Takes into account the Event Averages rate and Total Transferred and Total Saved bytes (bottom right corner of Run/View PeerSync) to determine the transfer rate for each Job. The more events and the larger the average file size calculated in the Event Averages the more accurate the transfer rate will be.  This also shows a cumulative transfer rate for all Jobs.


Displays the total number of bytes that were transferred for the specific Job or all the Jobs.


Shows the total number of events detected for the Job or all the Jobs as well as number of active events currently being processed.

Event Averages

Displays the average number of events that occurred per minute. The average size of the events are also noted.

In Queue: Scan

The number of files in queue that are generated by a scan.

In Queue: RT

The number of files in queue that are real-time events.

In Queue

The total number of files in queue. The queue represents the backlock of real-time events for each job. When the queue is empty the In Sync column is set to Yes.


Counter indicating the total number of files that were updated and their size in bytes.


Counter indicating the total number of files that were added and their size in bytes.


Counter indicating the total number of files that were deleted and their size in bytes.


Counter indicating the total number of files that were excluded and their size in bytes.


Counter indicating the total number of messages.

Failed Events

The number of failed events for each Job or all Jobs.


Displays the state of Real-Time detection (On or Off).

Interval Scans

Information when the next interval scan is to occur.

Daily Timer Scans

Information when the next scheduled scan is to occur.


Shows the status of each Job or all Jobs.

Scan Needed

Lets you know if a scan is needed (Yes) or not (No) after a connection failure.

Log File Path

Displays the location of the log file. Used in pop-up menu.



Jobs Stats (Right-Click Pop-Up Menu)


To see this menu, right-click on the Job Stats panel.

Select Columns....

Add or remove columns from the Jobs Stats display.

Scan Job: JobName

Issues a one-time scan of the selected Job.

Scan All Jobs

Issues a one-time scan of all the enabled Jobs in the Profile.

Stop Job: JobName

Stop the selected Job without stopping or interrupting any other potentially running Jobs in the Profile.

View Log File

View the log file for the selected Job.

Open Source Folder: Path

Opens the source folder in a Windows Explorer window.

Open Target Folder: Path

Opens the target folder in a Windows Explorer window.

Save As

Saves the current Jobs Stats list into a CSV file format (i.e. PSJobStats.csv).

Reprocess Failed Events

If the Job is running in a Warning state (Yellow), the Job has failed events. Selecting this option will notify PeerSync to re-process any failed events. This option is also available in the Run menu.



Advanced Run/View PeerSync


To see this panel, click on the Show Advanced Display link at the bottom right corner of the Run/View PeerSync window. The Enable Advanced Display option must be checked in order for this link to be active. The Advanced Run/View PeerSync display is the bottom screen. In addition to containing the same information as the Basic Display, the Advanced Display contains the following additional tabs:


Containing the same information as the Basic Display view/panel.


Lists the total number of files that were updated for the selected Job or all the Jobs. Right-click and select Save As to export the list into a CSV file format (PSUpdated.csv).


Lists the total number of files that were added for the selected Job or all the Jobs. Right-click and select Save As to export the list into a CSV file format (PSAdded.csv).


Lists the total number of files that were deleted for the selected Job or all the Jobs. Right-click and select Save As to export the list into a CSV file format (PSDeleted.csv).


Lists the total number of files that were excluded for the selected Job or all the Jobs. Right-click and select Save As to export the list into a CSV file format (PSExcluded.csv).


Lists the total number of messages for the selected Job or all the Jobs. Right-click and select Save As to export the list into a CSV file format (PSMessages.csv).

Job Scans

Lists how many scans are running at a Job level either for the selected Job or for all the Jobs. Right-click and select Save As to export the list into a CSV file format (PSJobScans.csv).

Managed Files List

Lists the total number of files that are in the Managed Files List for the selected Job or all the Jobs. Right-click and select Save As to export the list into a CSV file format (PSManagedFilesList.csv).

Failed Events

Lists all the failed files for the selected Job or all the Jobs. You can right-click the list and select Reprocess Failed Events to notify PeerSync to re-process them for all the Jobs (not Job specific). To reprocess only a specific file, you can click the Reprocess Selected button from the Failed Events tab within the PeerSync Status Display (when running as an application only).  Right-click and select Save As to export the list into a CSV file format (PSFaileEvents.csv).

File Copy Progress

Visually displays the file copy progress for each file for the selected Job or all the Jobs. Right-click and select Save As to export the list into a CSV file format (PSFileCopyProgress.csv).

Historical Data

This panel displays a subset of the Job Stats table (Xfer Rate, Bytes and Event Averages) in an hourly, daily, weekly, and total format for all the Jobs or only the selected Job. Furthermore, it displays a Running Event Count, a Running Event Average and Peak Count, and a Running Job Count. Right-click and select Save As to export the list into a CSV file format (PSHistoricalData.csv).

Job Control

This tab is available from the Advanced Run/View PeerSync panel. It shows the Job Control Bar which allows every Job to be stopped, started, or restarted individually. In addition, this tab displays all Pending Jobs in a grid from where they can be individually selected and started. This tab can also be seen in the PeerSync Status Display panel under the Job Stats and Control tab.





For efficiency purposes, only when you click on the screens/tabs within the Advanced Run/View PeerSync panel will the values get updated. A Cache folder within the PeerSync installation folder maintains the necessary event files that will be loaded into the advanced display screens/tabs.