PeerLock Run/View Overview

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Jobs Stats


To see this panel, click on the Show Advanced Display link at the bottom right corner of the Run/View PeerLock window. The Enable Advanced Display option must be checked in order for this link to be active. The Jobs Stats display is the top panel and contains runtime statistics for all the Jobs configured within the Profile. Clicking on a Job will update the bottom Advanced Run/View PeerLock panel. Click on the All Jobs entry to display all the Job statistics, cumulatively, in the bottom panel.


Represents the automatically assigned Job number for each Job. An icon represents the state of the Job (Green, Yellow, or Red):



Running with no failed locks


Warning state indicates the Job is running with failed locks


Failed connection and/or offline/stopped

Job Name

Lists the unique name for each Job.

Locks (Active)

Represents the total number of locks created by the specific Job. The total number of locks that are actively being held are also shown.


Shows the total number of releases created by the specific Job.

Lock Average

Represents the number of locks that are created on average ever minute for the specific Job.

Release Average

Represents the number of locks that are released on average ever minute for the specific Job.

Failed Locks

Shows the total number of locks that failed to be created for the specific Job.


Displays the status of the Job (i.e. Stopped, Starting and Normal).


The folder which is monitored for open activity.


The folder which is contains the files for PeerLock to lock.

Jobs Stats (Right-Click Pop-Up Menu)

Select Columns....

Add or remove columns from the Jobs Stats display.

View Log File: Path

Open the log file in the default editor for the selected Job.

Open Source Folder: Path

Opens the source folder in a Windows Explorer window.

Open Target Folder: Path

Opens the target folder in a Windows Explorer window.

Save As

Saves the current Jobs Stats list into a CSV file format (i.e. PLSelectionList.csv).



Advanced Run/View PeerLock


To see this panel, click on the Show Advanced Display link at the bottom right corner of the Run/View PeerLock window. The Enable Advanced Display option must be checked in order for this link to be active. The Advanced Run/View PeerLock display is the bottom screen. In addition to containing the same information as the Basic Display, the Advanced Display contains the following additional tabs:

Target File Path

Shows the file name complete with folder path for a target file that is locked, if the file exists and/or can be locked.


Display the date/time when the target file was locked.


Displays the amount of time that the source file has been opened.

Accessed By

The name of the user who has opened the file or accessed the resource.

Target Access Allowed

Displays the permissions that are allowed on the opened target file which are applied by PeerLock.

Source File Path

Displays the file name complete with folder path for the source file that has been detected as an open file.

Job Number

Represents the automatically assigned Job number for each Job.

# Locks

Displays the number of locks on the source.


Displays the application that has been detected as opening the source file.

Detection Type

This column represents the PeerLock detection mode used to detect what source files are locked/opened. This will either be File Server Mode Detection or Local Detection.

Note: Starting with version 3.0, PeerLock supports File Server Mode Detection only.

Idle Time

Shows the amount of time the target file will remain locked once the source file has been released. When the source file is closed PeerLock will wait the number of Idle Time seconds specified before releasing the target file. During the Idle Time period the file entry in the Locked list will be highlighted Yellow. The Idle Time value can be set in the Release Options dialog. This feature is intended to protect the releasing of files during file opens and saves. Certain applications may temporary release files during these procedures. With this feature enabled PeerLock will wait the set period of time to make sure the file is fully released before unlocking the corresponding target files

Lock File Handle

Displays the handle value created that is being used to lock the temporary Lock File created by PeerLock to Interact with other Peer Software Products. If the Interact features are disabled then this will display 'None'.

Release Detected

Shows the date and time when PeerLock detected the source file was closed. This value will be cleared if the file is reopened within the Idle period and the target file handle is not released.

Source Access Allowed

Displays the permissions that are allowed on the opened source file.

Source Attributes

Shows the attributes of the source file.

Source Handle

Displays the handle value created when the source file was opened.

Source Modified

Shows the modified date/time of the source file when it was detected as being open.

Source Open Mode

Displays the permissions that were used to open the source file.

Target Handle

Display the handle value created that is being used to lock the target file by PeerLock.

Target Open Mode

Displays the permissions that were granted when the target file was locked by PeerLock.

Temporary Releases

Shows the number of times the source file was closed during the Idle period.





For efficiency purposes, only when you click on the screens/tabs within the Advanced Run/View PeerLock panel will the values get updated. A Cache folder within the PeerSync installation folder maintains the necessary event files that will be loaded into the advanced display screens/tabs.