Global Reporting Options

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Messages By Profile


Options located on this screen can be accessed from the Options/Commands > Reporting Options button and the Options > Global Settings > Reporting Options... menu.

Create a message log file for this Profile

Use Profile message log file.



Messages By Jobs


Options located on this screen can be accessed from the Options/Commands > Reporting Options button and the Options > Global Settings > Reporting Options... menu.

Create a message log file for each Job

Use Job message log file.



Global Admin/Email Reporting Options


Options located on this screen can be accessed from the Options/Commands > Reporting Options button and the Options > Global Settings > Reporting Options... menu.

Send messages for failures only

When sending messages for admin/email reports filter on failures only (F switch in the /Q8E argument - i.e. /Q8EF).

Append Global Stats Information

Append Global Stats to admin/email reports (G switch in the /Q8E argument - i.e. /Q8EG).

Append Job Stats Information

Append or attach Job Stats information to admin/email reports (S+ switch in the /Q8E argument - i.e. /Q8ES+). Note: To attach a csv file instead use a V+ switch in /Q8E argument - i.e. /Q8ES+V+

Append Historical Data Information

Append or attach Historical Data information to admin/email reports (H+ switch in the /Q8E argument - i.e. /Q8EH+). Note: To attach a csv file instead use a V+ switch in /Q8E argument - i.e. /Q8EH+V+.