Source Folder Selection

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Source Folder Selection


The options listed on this page can be accessed from the Folder Selection window. The following options are available for selecting a Source folder.

Using Normal Mode

Select a "Normal" Source folder if you can navigate to the desired Source directory via a Local Path, a UNC Path, or a Mapped Drive. This selection requires that the machine on which PeerSync is running has full access to the desired Source directory. In some instances Network Logon may be required.


Select a Source Folder by typing the file path into the field provided or by using the Select Source Folder Button. By default, the Source Folder field will contain the path in which PeerSync has been installed: in most cases this will be C:\Program Files\PeerSync\Source. The convention outlined in this path must be used when manually typing entries, (i.e. a drive must be specified followed by a colon, with subsequent folders separated by backslashes). This field is not case sensitive, though spaces may only be entered where they are part of valid folder names (i.e. "Program Files"). No space should appear between slashes and folder names. This field also supports File/Folder Path Variables.


UNC names can be entered manually, or can be selected from the Network Neighborhood using the "Browse for Folder" dialog box (see Select Source Folder Button). UNC names will appear in the form \\COMPUTER\SHAREDDEVICE\PATH. For example: \\SERVER11\D\USERDATA.


Starting with the release of v9.0, we now support the ability to connect to a remote NetApp filer and register for real-time event notification.  Please visit or contact Sales for license information.


Note:  We do not recommend using UNC paths for folders that reside on the local machine, in this scenario you should use the local path to that folder.


Folders can also be dragged and dropped from MS Windows Explorer into the Source Folder Field for automatic insertion.


The Source Folder Field holds a folder selection History of up to 10 entries. They can be selected by clicking on the drop down button located to the right of the field.


The current path will be displayed below the Source Folder Selection Field. An invalid path will display a red INVALID SELECTION label instead. If there are no efforts made to correct the invalid path and you exit the Source Folder Selection field, the application will throw a message and use the default PeerSync installation path C:\Program Files\PeerSync\Source instead.


The Host Name and User Name & Password values (if provided) are displayed above the Source Folder Selection field (see Network Logon).



Using TCP Mode

Select a "TCP" Source folder if the Source directory is outside the scope of the machine on which PeerSync is running. TCP enables access to machines not located on the same network as PeerSync. As a prerequisite, the PSListener needs to be installed and running on the remote Source machine in order for PeerSync to be able to communicate with it. This feature supports encryption and compression.


Note: We strongly recommend the use of a VPN when transferring files over the public Internet for security purposes. Otherwise, you should use our Encryption feature with a user name and password to protect data and all communication as it is being transferred.


When selecting the TCP Mode for the first time the Source TCP/Port Configuration window will open automatically for Source Folder configuration. Otherwise, the previously entered TCP folder path will be displayed. This path can be manually edited by typing directly into the field provided or by using the Configuration button. The convention outlined in this path must be used when manually typing entries, (i.e. the key word TCP must be specified followed by a colon, two backslashes, the Source IP address or machine name, and subsequent folders separated by backslashes). This field is not case sensitive, though spaces may only be entered where they are part of valid folder names (i.e. "Program Files"). No space should appear between slashes and folder names. This field also supports File/Folder Path Variables.


The Source Folder Field holds a folder selection History of more then 10 entries. They can be accessed by clicking on the drop down button located to the right of the field.


The current path will be displayed bellow the Source Folder Selection Filed. An invalid path will display a red INVALID SELECTION label instead. If there are no efforts made to correct the invalid path and you exit the Source Folder Selection field, the application will throw a message and use the last valid TCP path specified or the default path TCP:\\\C\Source. represents the loopback IP address of the local host (i.e. the machine on which PeerSync is running).


The provided Host Name and User Name & Password values are displayed above the Source Folder Selection field.




Related Options





1.The TCP features listed on this page require the TCP WAN Connector option. Please visit or contact Sales for additional information.


2.You cannot monitor a TCP source in Real-Time.


3.NetApp CIFS real-time support requires the NetApp option. Please visit or contact Sales for additional information.


4.NFS real-time support requires an NFS and NetApp enabled license.  Please visit or contact Sales for additional information.


5.Bi-directional synchronization mode, as well as other non applicable features are ignored when using a TCP Source.


6.Selecting a TCP Source and a TCP Target for the same Job is not supported.


7.Generally performance will be optimal when PeerSync is installed on one of the machines involved in the synchronization process (Source or Target).