Jobs Stats
To see this panel, click on the Show Advanced Display link at the bottom right corner of the Run/View PeerSync window. The Enable Advanced Display option must be checked in order for this link to be active. The Jobs Stats display is the top panel and contains runtime statistics for all the Jobs configured within the Profile. Clicking on a Job will update the bottom Advanced Run/View PeerSync panel. Click on the All Jobs entry to display all the Job statistics, cumulatively, in the bottom panel.
Represents the automatically assigned Job number for each Job. An icon represents the state of the Job (Green, Yellow, or Red):
Running with no failed events
Warning state indicates the Job is running with failed events
Failed connection and/or offline/stopped
Job Name
Lists the unique name for each Job.
Last Scan (Status: Duration)
Displays the date and time of the last scan along with a description of the scan state and duration. For example: 11/17/2011 4:28:31 PM (Completed Successfully: 00:06:05)
Xfer Rate
Determines the transfer rate in megabits per second for each Job. Takes into account the Event Averages rate and Total Transferred and Total Saved bytes (bottom right corner of Run/View PeerSync) to determine the transfer rate for each Job. The more events and the larger the average file size calculated in the Event Averages the more accurate the transfer rate will be. This also shows a cumulative transfer rate for all Jobs.
Displays the total number of bytes that were transferred for the specific Job or all the Jobs.
Shows the total number of events detected for the Job or all the Jobs as well as number of active events currently being processed.
Event Averages
Displays the average number of events that occurred per minute. The average size of the events are also noted.
Failed Events
Total number of failed events for the selected Job or all the Jobs.
Shows the status of each Job or all Jobs.
Counter indicating the total number of files that were added and their size in bytes.
Daily Timer Scans
Information when the next scheduled scan is to occur.
Counter indicating the total number of files that were deleted and their size in bytes.
Counter indicating the total number of files that were excluded and their size in bytes.
Interval Scans
Information when the next interval scan is to occur.
Log File Path
Displays the location of the log file. Used in pop-up menu.
Counter indicating the total number of messages.
Next Scan (Run in)
Count down to the next scan for scheduled or interval scans.
Displays the state of Real-Time detection.
Scan Needed
Lets you know if a scan is needed (Yes) or not (No) after a connection failure.
Displays the source path.
Displays the target path.
Counter indicating the total number of files that were updated and their size in bytes.