Reporting File Content
The options listed on this page can be accessed from the Reporting window. Using the check boxes provided in this section of the Reporting screen, you can specify what will be reported in the Log File. The Default setting is to include all items except Folder Names.
Added Files
This feature adds an entry for any file that has been added to the Target.
File Date
Includes date associated with each file contained in the Log.
File Size
Includes size of each file contained in the Log.
Updated Files
This feature adds an entry for any file that has been updated in the Target.
File Time
Includes time associated with each file contained in the Log.
Transfer Time
Includes time it takes to transfer the file in milliseconds.
Appends a summary of activity to the end of the report.
Folder Names
Indicates the names of synchronized folders.
Folder Creation
This feature creates an entry for any folders that did not exist in the Target and had to be created during the synchronization process.
This feature logs any messages or application errors found during synchronization.
This feature logs any file/folder exclusion found during synchronization.
This feature logs any file/folder ACL updates during scans and real-time.