This menu includes items allowing you to create and save new Profiles, open existing Profiles, create Profile desktop shortcuts, and exit the application.
Create a new Profile. This feature is accessible from the Tool Buttons Toolbar.
Open an existing Profile. This feature is also accessible from the Tool Buttons Toolbar.
Reopen a recently used Profile.
Save the current Profile. This feature is also accessible from the Tool Buttons Toolbar.
Save as
Rename and Save the current Profile.
Profile - Revert to Saved
Revert to the last saved settings of the current Profile.
Profile - Merge Existing
Merge an existing Profile into the current Profile.
Profile - Create Shortcut on Desktop
Create and add a shortcut to PeerSync of the current Profile and settings/command line arguments to the desktop.
Profile - Save Defaults
Save the current settings of the Profile as the default settings.
Close/exit the application.