Global Recovery/Offline Options

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Retry Open and Inaccessible Files


The following settings can be accessed from the Global Settings window. Alternatively you can access them from the Options > "Global Settings" > "Global Recovery/Offline Options" menu.

Retry open/inaccessible files every x seconds

Use this feature to specify, in seconds, how often PeerSync will attempt to synchronize Source Files that are in use. If the "Include open files" option on the File Options screen has not been checked and "Retry" is selected, PeerSync will continue attempting to synchronize files that are opened by other applications. "Retry" will also work when "Include open files" has been checked and a file is read-locked by another application. When the "Retry" option is on, PeerSync will synchronize the open file within x seconds after the file has been closed.

Set maximum number of retries to x

This feature sets a limit indicating how many times to attempt to process open files. If the maximum number of retries gets exceeded for a particular file PeerSync will remove it from the retry-list until another real-time event occurs on the file or a scan detects that the file needs to be added/updated. Setting the retry cycle to 0 will check the file indefinitely.



Failed Connection Options


The following settings can be accessed from the Global Settings window. Alternatively you can access them from the Options > "Global Settings" > "Global Recovery/Offline Options" menu.

Retry failed connections every x minutes

PeerSync monitors persistent Jobs (Real-Time, scheduled, interval) for connectivity, and suspends the Job until a connection is resumed. This allows PeerSync to ensure that synchronizations are only attempted when a connection exists. This feature is set by default to a 1 minute interval and can be modified or disabled.

Run a scan on reconnect (if needed)

This feature will initiate a full scan at reconnect to process any file/folder changes which may have occurred during the connection failure. A scan will be performed only if a failure occurs in the middle of scan or if a scan was missed when the connection was lost.

Store missed events and process on reconnect

This feature pertains to any Job running in a Real-Time mode. Having this option enabled will store Real-Time events during failed connections and will process these events at Reconnect, eliminating the Source/Target Folder scan.



Note: These settings are Global. Global Settings are global to the current Profile. These settings and options pertain to all of the Jobs in the current Profile and are used to define, configure and execute the launch of Profiles via the PeerSync engine. Arguments to be sent to PeerSync can be selected and setup from the Options/Commands screen.