The options listed on this page can be accessed from the Compression window.
Password - Encryption
The password entered into this field will be used as a key to encrypt the compressed files. Without this key the original file CAN NOT be extracted from the compressed files. Do Not Lose This Password. Without it you will not have access to your encrypted files, nor will Peer Software be able to recover them.
Change Password
Selecting this button will display the Password Change dialog box. This allows you to change your existing password for the selected Job. This box requires you to enter your old password in addition to whichever new one you wish to begin using. This dialog box is also used to create a password if you do not currently have one. The password will be encrypted and saved for the selected Job.
Note: You may only change the password for a single Job at a time. The old password must be checked against the stored password for this feature to be changed.