Automation Arguments

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Automation Arguments


The following arguments are appended to the end of the command line followed by a space and forward slash (i.e. /A). A space and forward slash are also used to separate each additional argument (i.e. /A /M).


Scan at Start: If the /A argument is appended to the command line, the Profile can be run through its associated shortcut. As non-persistent processes, Automatic Operations are run a single time upon manual initiation by the user.


Note: This item is selectable from the Profiler via the Options/Commands Screen.


Delay Start of Profiler: If this argument is used, PeerSync will delay the load/start of PeerSync by x seconds. With this option enabled synchronization can be canceled via a dialog box if done within the designated interval. For example, /D5 would provide you with a 5 second delay during which the operation can be canceled. If the /D argument includes an H, i.e. /DH60, then the delay timer dialog will be hidden. This argument is useful for allowing PeerSync to begin after other applications have been loaded if you are running PeerSync at Windows startup.


Real-time Monitoring Argument:   The /R argument activates Real-Time Mode.

The Oy and Cz arguments are optional and specify the following retry values during Real-Time Mode:


y = The retry count if the file is open or network is unavailable

z = The retry count maximum


Note: This item is selectable from the Profiler via the Options/Commands Screen.


Run Scheduled Operation: The /S argument enables or disables Scheduled Operation Mode for the entire Profile. This feature must be selected in order for all Scheduled Operations set for individual Jobs to be recognized. Scheduled Mode does not apply a global schedule to the entire Profile: rather, it enables those schedules set for all individual Jobs on to run at their specified intervals.


All Scheduled Operations set for individual Jobs will be ignored if this mode is not selected. If none of the Jobs within a Profile are set for Scheduled Operation and this mode is selected, all active Jobs within the Profile will be assigned a default synchronization schedule of five minutes.


Synchronization Timer Argument:  The /Sx option is used to run PeerSync automatically at regular intervals. This argument sets PeerSync to synchronize the selected Profile every x minutes. Through this feature PeerSync remains persistent and will not terminate upon completion.


Examples: /S10

Synchronization will be performed every 10 minutes


Synchronization Timer Argument with Keyboard Activity: The /SxKz option is used to run PeerSync automatically at regular intervals only when it senses keyboard activity. This argument sets PeerSync to synchronize the selected Profile every x minutes upon Keyboard activity and will always run every z cycles with/without keyboard activity. The z is optional and will be ignored if set to 0. Through this feature PeerSync remains persistent and will not terminate upon completion.


Note: This item is selectable from the Profiler via the Options Commands Screen.


Daily Timer:   This argument will allow for scheduling of PeerSync for specific times of the day down to the minute for selected days of the week and selected Jobs within a Profile.  If you use a /TIMEF argument all selections at the Job level from the Automation screen will be used. You can also specify Global Daily Timer selections for the entire Profile from the Options/Commands Screen or by using the following format:


1. Select the time of day (by default all Jobs will be run all days)



Where HH is replaced with the value of 00-23 in military time and MM is replaced with 00-59 in minutes



Every Day at 12:00 am:

Every Day at 1:00 am:

Every Day at 8:00 am:

Every Day at 12:00 pm:

Every Day at 8:00 pm:








2. (Optional) - To select the days of week to run append the following:


D:SMTWTFS where the days are substituted with 1 (On) and 0 (Off)


















M, W & F at 8:00 am:

Sat & Sun at 5:15 pm:

Mon - Fri at 3:30 am:






3. (Optional) - To select the Jobs to run append F:f1;f2;f3


Where f1-fn are the Job numbers.



Job 1 Every day at 6:00 am:  

Jobs 1 - 5 Every day at 8:25 pm:

Jobs 1, 3 & 5 Mon - Fri at 3:30 am:






Note: Will accept multiple command lines.



Job 1 Every day at 8:00 am, Jobs 1 - 5 Every day at 8:25 pm and Jobs 1, 3 & 5 Mon - Fri at 3:30 am

/TIME:08:00F:1 /TIME:20:25F:1;2;3;4;5 /TIME:03:30D:0111110F:1;3;5



Complete command line to run PeerSync with Test.snc, all Jobs, at 3:00 am Mon -Fri, (M)inimized on the tray.

"C:\Program Files\PeerSync\PeerSync.exe" "C:\Program Files\PeerSync\test.snc" /TIME:3:00D:0111110 /M


Note: This item is selectable from the Profiler via the Options/Commands Screen.


Use Device Driver method: This argument uses of the Windows NT device driver for real-time detection. When using this argument PeerSync can detect changes made to remote Source folders but only when the changes are made by the machine where PeerSync is installed.


Applications to Ignore: If using the Device Driver method for Real-Time detection you can select applications to ignore by appending application names (semicolon delimited) to the /< argument.


Example: /<Explorer.exe;Word.exe

Will ignore any Real-Time changes made by Explorer.exe and Word.exe.


Note: When using this option and monitoring a remote Source folder, the Transfer NT security descriptions (ACLs) is ignored in Real-Time.


Disable Initial Synchronization During Startup:  The /X command line argument disables initial synchronization during /A /M /R operations at PeerSync startup.





1.Any arguments containing spaces must be enclosed by quotes.


2.Some features described on this page require the Enhanced Package.


3.Command line arguments can also be identified through hints displayed on the Profiler.


4.If you have selected to display hints through the View Menu (either on the application interface or in its Status Bar), a hint will be displayed for Profiler features upon passing the mouse cursor over them. These hints will display both a description of the feature as well as its related command line argument (if any).


5.For more information on the latest features and how to implement specific scenarios please go to our support page at: