Retrieving Log Files

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Retrieving Log Files

To retrieve log files:

1.Open Peer Management Center.

2.From the Help menu, choose Retrieve PMC/Agent Logs.

The Retrieve PMC/Agent Log Files dialog is displayed.

Basic-Concepts-Logging and Alerts-Retrieve PMC-Agent Logs

3.Select log collection options:



Include logs newer than X days

Use this option to restrict the logs retrieved to a certain time period.

Run Event Detection Analytics before log file collection

Select this option to run event detections analytics immediately before the log files collected.  PeerGFS can perform event detection analysis every night; however, this option ensures that the log bundle contains the most up-to-date analytics.

Include detailed log files

This option is selected by default.  If selected, log collection includes all Peer-generated log files (for example, event log files, activity log files, and Agent output logs if Agents are selected in the Agent Log Options section).  Detailed log collection enhances Peer Support's ability to troubleshoot using log files.  However, if you want to reduce the of log uploads, deselect this option.  Only logs containing statistics will be collected.

Collect system event logs

Select this option to retrieve Windows event logs.

Include topology statistics

Select this option to include topology statistics.  This option appears only for users with a subscription license.

4.Select Agent log options:



Exclude all Agent log files

Select this option if you do not want to retrieve log files for any Agent.

Include all connected Agent log files

Select this option if you want to retrieve log files for all connected Agents.

Include log files from the following connected Agents:

Select this option if you want to retrieve log files for selected connected Agents.

5.Select encryption and support options:



Encrypt log files

Select this option if you want to encrypt the log files in the zip file.  We suggest checking this option if you are uploading the log bundle to Peer Support.

Automatically upload log files and telemetry to Peer Software Support

Select this option if you want to automatically upload the zip file containing the log files and telemetry information to Peer  Support.  No file data will be uploaded—only Peer-specific configuration, logs, etc.

6.Enter your contact information and a description of the problem.

All fields are required.  This information will be sent to Peer Support.

Basic-Concepts-Logging and Alerts-Retrieve PMC-Agent Logs-Contact Info

7.Click Yes to start the log retrieval process.

It may take some time for the log files to be collected and compiled into a single, compressed file.  When the retrieval is finished, a message is displayed.

Basic-Concepts-Logging and Alerts-Retrieve PMC-Agent Logs-Log Gathering Completed

8.Click OK.

The retrieved log file is stored as a zip file in the workspace/support subfolder in the Peer Management Center installation directory.