Proactive Monitoring

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Proactive Monitoring

Proactive Monitoring is a new option available to PeerGFS customers with dedicated Technical Account Managers (TAMs).  Once enabled, the various data points are uploaded to a Peer Software-owned storage account in Microsoft Azure.  Data collected includes:

Agent information, including disk space and memory utilization of all Agents.

Job information, including watch set growth and overall performance.

Overall PMC information, including disk space and memory utilization, queue backlogs, and quarantine counts.

This data is available only to Peer Software employees and is used to provide regular reviews of the status of your PeerGFS environment.

Health Checker

Proactive Monitoring can also integrate information from Peer Software's Health Checker tool.  The Health Checker is a standalone service designed to alert on outages and backlog spikes, as well as track overall performance of the replication environment.  To provide replication performance details to your Peer Software TAM, the Health Checker must be installed on either a standalone server in the environment (if both alerting and performance monitoring are desired) or on the PMC server itself (if only performance monitoring is desired).

Health Checker Prerequisites

While Peer Software’s Health Checker is a lightweight application, there are some minimum requirements that must be met to use the tool:

Windows Server 2012 operating system or later is required.

Virtual servers running on enterprise-class hypervisors are sufficient if they have a minimum of 2 processor cores, 2 GB of RAM, and 20 GB of free disk space.

SMB network access is required from the Health Checker server to all participating file servers and shares.

The Health Checker service must be run under a domain user account with the ability to create folders and files on all participating file servers and shares.

To provide failure and backlog alerting, the Health Checker should not be installed on any server that is already running the Peer Management Center or the Peer Agent. The Health Checker may be run on servers hosting other infrastructure (such as Active Directory Domain Controllers), provided that the requirements above are met.