Editing a File Synchronization Job

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Editing a File Synchronization Job

You can edit a File Synchronization job while it is running; however, any changes will not take effect until the job is restarted.


When you create a File Synchronization job, the Create Job wizard guides you through the process, presenting the most common options for configuration.  When editing a job, you have access to all options, allowing you to fine-tune the job configuration.  Options not included in the initial job creation include:

Application Support

Conflict Resolution

Delta Replication


File and Folder Filters

File Locking


Logging and Alerts

Scheduled Replication

SNMP Notifications

Target Protection


You can edit multiple File Synchronization jobs simultaneously.  For information about simultaneously editing multiple jobs, see Editing Multiple Jobs.

Editing a Job

To edit a File Synchronization job:

1.Select the job in the Jobs view.

2.Right-click and select Edit Job.

The Edit File Synchronization Configuration dialog appears.

FS-Edit Job-Dialog

3.Select a configuration item in the navigation tree and make the desired changes:



File and Folder Filters

Scheduled Replication

File Conflict Resolution

Delta Replication

File Metadata

File Locking

Logging and Alerts

Application Support

Target Protection

Email Alerts

SNMP Notifications



4.Click OK when finished.