Creating Complex Filter Expressions

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Creating Complex Filter Expressions

You can create more sophisticated list filters by using operators and labels.

Using Operators

Operators allow you to combine multiple simple expressions into a single compound expression.  Supported operators are:  ORAND, and NOT.  For example, typing tag:Americas AND sales in the Filter Expression will show only Agents with the word Americas in their tag(s) AND the word sales in their name, tags, or tag categories.  Parentheses can be used to build more complex expressions by grouping simple expressions.

Using Labels

Use predefined labels to specify in which field your filter word should appear.  Use the following format to take advantage of labels in your filter expression:

<label>:<search string>.

List of possible labels include:


List only items that match the string (e.g. name:"Design Data")


Show only items with the word specified in their tag(s) (e.g. tag:Americas)


Search for items that have been assigned a specific category (e.g. search for Jobs that were categorized as Design - cat:Design)


Filter through Jobs and list only those that contain the host in the list of job participants (e.g. host:WIN12R2A) 


Search for the specified string in the following Agent fields: Connection Status, Operating System, JVM Architecture, and Agent Version (e.g. attr:x86)


List items that have been assigned a default or user-created filter.


Example 1:  Show all Agents with the word Sales in their name, tag name, or tag category:


Example 2:  Show all Agents with a tag that has North America in the tag name and Location in the tag category:

cat:Location AND tag:"North America"

Example 3:  Show all Agents with the word Sales in their name, tag name, and tag category and with a tag that has North America in the tag name and Location in the tag category.

Sales AND (cat:Location AND tag:"North America")