Modifying Participant Detector Settings

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Modifying Participant Detector Settings

In addition to global real-time detection options that apply to all jobs, you can set additional detection-related options for a specific File Synchronization job.  For example, you can exclude real-time events by certain users.  This is helpful if you are trying to prevent events generated from backup and/or archival tools from triggering activity.

To modify the detector settings for a host:

1.Select the host in the Selected table.

FS-Edit Job-Participants-Detector Settings

2.Click Edit Detector Settings.

The information you are prompted to enter varies, depending on the type of storage platform.  Windows, NetApp, and Nutanix examples are shown below.

FS-Edit Job-Participants-Detector Settings-Windows

FS-Edit Job-Participants-Detector Settings-NetApp

FS-Edit Job-Participants-Detector Settings-Nutanix

3.Modify the values as needed.

4.Click OK.