<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> Navigation: Peer Global File Service Help > Installation and Configuration > Installing the Peer Management Center and the Peer Management Broker > Enabling a Secure Encrypted TLS Connection |
By default, the Peer Management Center and Peer Management Broker are installed on the same host machine that does not require secure TLS communication between each other. However, if they are not installed on the same host machine, then a secure TLS connection between the Peer Management Center and Peer Management Broker needs to be enabled.
To enable a secure TLS connection between the Peer Management Center and Peer Management Broker:
1.Stop the Peer Management Center Service via the Windows Service Panel (services.msc).
2.Once stopped, navigate to the directory Hub\workspace\prefs, relative to the installation directory.
3.Within this directory, open the com.ci.pl.hub.runtime.prefs file in a text editor.
4.If the file does not contain a line starting with hub.jms.providerURL, then add the following line in its entirety:
5.Otherwise, make the following changes to the line starting with hub.jms.providerURL (changes are bold):
From: hub.jms.providerURL=failover\:(tcp\://localhost\:61616)?jms.alwaysSyncSend\=true
To: hub.jms.providerURL=failover\:(ssl\://localhost\:61617)?jms.alwaysSyncSend\=true
6.Once these changes are complete, save the file, and then restart the Peer Management Center Service.