Filtering on File Size

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Filtering on File Size

You can also filter based on an individual file's size, excluding files that are greater or less than a specified size.  Peer Management Center does not support filtering on a folder's total size.  In addition, if you have a folder hierarchy that contains files that are all being filtered based on size, then all folders will still be created during the initial scan process on all hosts. If a file is excluded from collaboration based on size, then the initial scanning process will not synchronize the file even if the file's last modified time and size do not match, or the file does not exist on all hosts.  However, if a user deletes or renames the file on any host, the file will be deleted or renamed from all other hosts where the file exists.

However, you cannot define a file filter that combines filtering on file size with inclusion or exclusion patterns or last modifed date.  The file size is the sole criteria used to identify matching files.

Options for Excluded File Sizes


Default option.  Select this option to include all files regardless of file size.

Exclude files greater than or equal to

Select this option to exclude all files whose size is greater than or equal to the specified number of bytes.  For example, you can configure a job to exclude all files greater than 1GB (1073741824 bytes).

Exclude files less than

Select this option to exclude files whose size is less than the specified number of bytes.