Summary View

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Summary View

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The Summary View allows you to view current and cumulative file collaboration and synchronization statistics, as well background synchronization status.




The Session Summary View is made up of the following sections:


Session Status


This section displays current statistics for all files/folders contained in the running file collaboration job.



Collaboration Status



Synchronization Status


This section displays current and cumulative statistics for all files that have been added, removed, renamed or modified since the running file collaboration job was started.



Background Synchronization Status


This section displays overall status of the initial synchronization process performed at the start of the session, as well as current and cumulative statistics for files that needed to be synchronized.


Stopped: Session is stopped.

Completed: Initial scan and synchronization processes have completed.

Synchronizing Files: Background scan and initial synchronization processes are currently running.

When the status is Synchronizing Files, the Total column will display the directory that is currently being synchronized.