Participants View

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Participants View

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The Participants View shows a list of all currently configured host participants for the selected file collaboration job and contains a column used to display activity status occurring on the hosts. If a host has become unavailable, an error message will be displayed next to the failed host in red.




The Participants View also contains a table that displays the most recent host participant state changes, e.g. when a host was removed from collaboration session, or when a host came back online, etc. This functionality is broken down into two parts: right-click context menu items and a subview entitled Host Participant State Change Log.


The following unique items are available in a right-click context menu for the top part of the Participants View:



The Host Participant State Change Log is a log of all host participant status changes (Collaborating, Not Collaborating, etc.) and/or state changes (Active, Pending Restart, etc.) of a host participant. This table is currently limited to 250 rows and can be filtered by host, by status, and by state.


The following items are available in the right-click context menu for this table: