Runtime Reports View

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Runtime Reports View

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The Runtime Reports View is a view that aggregates critical statistical information from all configured File Collaboration Jobs in a single table view. The Reports tab is visible when the global Enable Advanced Reporting Tab option is checked. This tab is especially useful to see the number of files that are in the queue waiting to be synchronized (File Sync Queue).





The Collaboration Summary View is not updated in real-time. This is done for performance reasons. Instead, the table can be set to automatically update itself every few seconds. Enabling the Auto-Update option will turn on this functionality, while the Refresh interval (in seconds) can be set right beside the checkbox. Each refresh cycle will update the totals across all jobs listed at the bottom of the view by default. Additional columns can be added to and removed from the table from the right-click context menu.




Items in the table can be filtered by a filer expression, job name, Participant, Session Status, or Tags. Select the desired filter or enter your own expression in the text field to the right of the filter drop down list. Check the Auto-Hide button to hide all Jobs which have no pending activity.


Clicking on the Actions table menu provides the following options: