Revit Enhancements

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Revit Enhancements

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Revit Enhancements enable the Expedited Sync Queue for  files specified in the Expedited Sync Queue File List.




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Extensions configured here will overwrite the “Sync. On Save” values configured in the interface for the Job. In addition, these extensions use the delay value in Sync On Save Override Delay setting instead of the delay value configured in the interface. If no delay value is set, it will default to using a one second delay. Extensions configured in this list will still be processed via “Sync. On Save” even if they also exist in the user defined non-collaborative extension list (under the Window > Preferences menu option). Extensions in the normal “Sync. On Save” list that also exist in this list will not be processed.

The “Sync. On Save” delay value in seconds that will only apply to the internal list of extensions listed in the Sync On Save Override File Extension field.

Extensions configured here will not be quarantined if they are modified on two host simultaneously. The file with the latest modified time stamp will win.

This is an option to retry setting the target lock when receiving error code 32 for the specified list of extensions. This may be useful for file types like .one (OneNote), .rvt (Revit), and .dat (associated Revit files), that don’t sustain a handle when the user has the file open.

The number of bulk add files that PeerLink can process immediately before batching the remainder of the files and process them in a single thread.

Quarantined files that are in this list will be automatically removed and flagged as un-synchronized and will be retried every second after a delay period (delay is configured by “fc.retryQuarantinesDelay”). Any change event that is detected for the files will trigger a scan of the files where the newest file will win. This list can contain filenames (wperms.dat,eperms.dat,requests.dat,deltas.dat,users.dat) or extensions (*.dat,*.abc).

Access events and transfer events will be expedited for the list of extension or files in this list.

Access events received for files or extension in this list will be expedited. Transfers will go through a slow priority queue.

List of files to be updated without the use of a temp file. This list can contain filenames (wperms.dat,eperms.dat,requests.dat,deltas.dat,users.dat") or extensions.