Update the Profile Configuration

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Update the Profile Configuration

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This topic covers information on how to update a PeerSync profile from the Peer Management Center.


We recommend if using the Peer Management Center to manage the PeerSync instances, to make changes through the Peer Management Center. If changes are made directly on the PeerSync machine, they should be imported in the Peer Management Center job manually to keep the Peer Management Center PeerSync Configuration in sync.


How to update a PeerSync Profile through the Peer Management Center


From the Synchronization Summary runtime view (Double click the File Synchronization jobs node from the left) right click the machine you wish to modify the profile for and choose Edit Configuration(s). Alternately you can right click on the machine job from the left menu under the File Synchronization node and choose Edit Configuration(s).
You can update the Profile by Importing an updated Profile through the Import button in Associated Profile screen, or manually update the configuration through Jobs and/or Global Settings section.
If you wish to update the profile outside of the Peer Management Center, Export the existing configuration using the Export button in Associated Profile Screen. Make your changes through the PeerSync Profiler and Import the updated Profile back in the Peer Management Center through the Import button.
After having made your entire configuration changes either through the Peer Management Center or by importing the updated Profile, choose OK and close the Edit Configuration screen.


Your configuration changes will not reach the PeerSync machine until they are distributed. The updated profile will become active on the machine after the PeerSync service has been restarted.


Import Existing Profile
Edit/Configure Jobs
Edit Global Settings
Distribute Profile